I always loved Halloween because it was my one chance during the year to be somebody (or something) else. When else during the year could you quadruple-layer your mascara, wrap your body in feathers, and adorn yourself in thick costume jewelry? As a kid, Halloween was about looking like characters I admired, but as I grow older I realize that it’s more of the action of transforming myself into a completely different creature that really excites me. Dressing up as a lion is not about the fuzzy costume, it’s about who you become when you’re under the layers of fur and hairspray. Fierce, unfettered, and fearless.
These behind-the-scenes runway photos for a Dior fashion show remind me that Halloween is completely about transforming yourself. The chartreuse yellow clown costume is so outrageous and vibrant that I forget there’s an actual person under there. I am so mesmerized by her eye makeup. The Dior makeup artists somehow expanded her eyes to three times their normal size just with thin lines and soft colors. It’s magic, what these people can do, I swear.
Alexander McQueen, RIP
In 2010, Alexander McQueen designed this Marie-Antoinette-inspired costume. The way the gold plating is collared around her neck is so gorgeous and regal-feeling. I look at this photo and think to myself, ‘That woman is powerful.’
Ironic, considering she’s just a model in costume. It’s funny how a costume can fool you like that.
Festivale Mask
This Venetian Carnival-inspired mask reminds me of an old fashioned masquerade ball. From certain angles it looks like a delicate bird, made with lace and geometric lines. I absolutely love how feminine and light this is — not to mention the over sized bird nest hairdo. I love how the simple lace outline and bushy hairdo can completely transform this model into a magical, mythical creature. The whole ensemble feels very 18th-century horror.
En Vogue Halloween
These photos are so haunting, but Vogue has this way of making their gaunt models look so glamorous. This Vogue feature spread showcases some of the darkest and most artistic Halloween costumes I’ve ever seen. The model with the deer mask on looks so chic and refined (check out the scalloped edges on her darling dress!), but her crazy hair and blank expression create such a spooky ensemble.
The feature page with the crow mask across the model’s face makes me want to watch the movie The Birds. All of these foul-inspired masks are incredible.
Have a Happy Haute Halloween!!!

So Lady Gaga-esque. I just love Halloween.